Ok, so was having issues with the steering when driving no problems, but while idling there was no power steering, new pump, new gear box, belt is tight and new ext.. Mechanic has me running trans. fluid in it. So I decided to try a new pump, did that according to the chitons book, bleed it, worked great for about 2 blocks, then the exact same thing is happening now. Anybody else having this issue??? Any help?? Thanks in advance
Mine is the original pump, original cap, and original high pressure hose. I have owned the ps assembly since ’77. The po bought the 97k mile car/pump in ’74 from the original owner, and the car was such a cream puff, I doubt that the ps pump was ever topped off. The pump has never had a drop of ps fluid in it, probably the reason why it’s still alive 750k miles later.
While there is no power steering shut it off and crack the pressure side open (put some rags on it). Restart and be ready to shut it off. New doesn't mean good. I bet it is your pump.