Well the 400 will be out of the shop next week and I'm pretty happy about that! First thing I've realized I neglected to buy yet was motor mounts (doh)! I did buy brand new frame mounts, but What does anyone have to say about Motor mounts? I am not finding anything other than ones I could get from autozone, I know I don't want solid ones right? I remember being told never do that for a street car when I was young. I'm just not sure I want the cheap things autozone could get me, any Advice from experience?
Also Has anyone done the under drive pulleys ? or converted to serpentine ?
Not sure what you have done to the engine, but if it is a stock set up coming out of the shop you should be just fine with the Autozone mounts as they are just about like stock mounts. If that engine is coming out of the shop with like around 450 or 500 HP then I would recommend going with some better mounts like the Butler Performance Pontiac Polyurethane/Stainless Steel Interlocking Engine Mount, that Butler sells. Here is a link http://butlerperformance.com/i-24452915-...dbpi-2254p.html They also sell serpentine systems, but if you are going to go with a March system, you can get those cheaper through Summit instead of paying those higher prices along with the free shipping. Or you can check out CVF racing, they have tham and pulleys and cost a little bit less http://www.cvfracing.com/pontiac-pulley-systems-s/137.htm
Still no problems with using stock $8 rubber mounts I got a the engine strapped to the frame on the drivers side and the car leaves at 3500 rpm footbraking.
I would never recommend using stock mounts with 500 hp... just me though, as even with having it strapped down doesnt mean you wont tear that mount rubber apart. Once again, just me, but no need to use anything more then the stock if you got just stock HP.
Yea I had to chain the 389 down to, otherwise a hard launch would drop the clutch linkage off the pivot. Will have to figure out which way to go,...... Thanks for the link!
"...I got a the engine strapped to the frame on the drivers side..."
That's the only way I know of to keep a stock type driver side mount from coming apart. If you have 500ft lbs of torque, and sticky tires that will hook, you must hold the ds down. I've used metal strap, chain, and turnbuckles. The '75-up "clamshell" mounts encased the rubber part with metal. So, it would take quite a bit to pull 'em apart. But, most all earlier style Pontiac mounts will come apart, on the ds, if enuff torque is applied.
Call me weird, but I like the solid mounts. I enjoy the shimmy shake that it gets with a bit of a lope from the cam as it transfers through the frame. It isn't that bad and the cost is less than the poly mounts. Also, the poly mounts will shake too.
Not concerned about the torque cracking the block? At least that's what I always heard before. Do you tie the Driver side down also with the solid mounts?
Not concerned about the torque cracking the block? At least that's what I always heard before. Do you tie the Driver side down also with the solid mounts?
Never heard of that before. Ran many BBCs with a lot of HP and Torque and haven't seen or heard of it.
Don't think any street or mild bracket engines will likely rip out the side of the block, at the mount. BUT, there are some guys racing stock blocks, at the 700+ hp level. And many of these cars use tranny brakes, with high stall converters, and big tires. So, I have heard some say it is best to run front and mid plates, instead of side motor mounts, at that power level.
so who is actually running other than stock mounts? I'll only be knocking on the door of 500 ponies so that's why the thought even crossed my mind about solids.