Restoring my abandoned heating system. Removed the heater control assembly and found all the cables in good shape, all the doors work in the heater box, but there is a flat plastic grooved part the cables attach to on the heater control assembly. This piece moves in an arc when the selector slider knob is moved. Mine is broken. Will take just the plastic piece the 3 cables connect to, if someone has one. Will take the whole assembly, if need be. 1969 is unique. CI sells the 67-68, not 69. My assembly is good except this piece, thought the faceplate lens needs replacing. If anyone has a lens, would like that too. Thanks.
I misspoke a bit in the original post. on the top of the unit, two cables attach to the flat, elliptical shaped plastic piece, not all three. The cables are held with cap nuts into grooves in the black plastic piece, and move in the groves when the selector lever is moved from Off to Normal or De Ice. The third cable attaches to the bottom of the unit. Mine is good there. My whole unit would be fine if that little plastic piece wasn't missing a piece, but it's pretty useless without it.