Looking for suggestions on what paint to use on the sides of my 68 console. The color is black.
I found a high performance Pontiac article back in 2014 on restoring a Pontiac console and they used SEM 15013 color coat Landau Black flexible coating to paint the sides of their console, which is what I used and it came out perfect as far as I was concerned. Here is one of the articles and it does not say it, in the write-up but the photos show and stated to use it on the sides. http://www.hotrod.com/articles/hppp-1203-restoring-pontiac-console/ Here is a link to the paint https://www.amazon.com/SEM-15013-Landau-Black-Color/dp/B00B3HXS8A You can also sometimes find it at the auto stores, I couldn't probably because I live in a small town, but you might be able to find it at the auto stores if in a bigger city.
I went a different way. My interior is also black so I overlaid a black vinyl on my 68 console. I used the semi gloss vinyl & it looks great. It was a snap with the contact cement.