Early on my 67 400 had a failed oil pressure sender. As a struggling College student I did not want to spend $35 for a GM replacement for a $2.00 part. So after a 25 year storage I brought the car back to life. I wanted to have an oil prerssure reading so I bought an Ebay replacement.sensor. The only problem now is the OP gage pegs at maximum pressure. So now I am looking for options. Is there an OEM replacement sensor available or can I put a resister in line with my new sensor?. Anyone else have a failed OP sensor? Shirl Dickey
That's a strange thing to fail. I'd recommend you try hooking up an after market gage just to see what yoUr oil pressure is. I've never liked the mechanical gages because they can have catastrophic failures e.g.. a broken oil pressure gage line. Stick with an electronic gage and be sure you hook up to the oil pressure sender not the temp sender. GOOD LUCK!
I wonder if they sold you the wrong sensor or it's defective. I did a quick check at Rockauto and this low-cost sensor is still available.
Another thing to check is the wiring - make sure it's not shorted or open. If you have a DMM, check the resistance with the engine off and again while it's running to see if there's a change. .
Thanks, I'm pretty sure the wiring is good. The guage reads 0 with the engine off (key on) and 80 when running. I think it's the wrong sensor. I will check with Rock Auto and order another one... Shirl
Did you inadvertently use an idiot light sender? Ames sells the stock gauge sensor. It's best to buy parts for classic cars from experts and not Rock Auto. Not worth the hassle to save a few bucks (IMHO)
Now that sounds like the problem. My car has the ralley guages and would need a different sensor than an I-light. Who would you recommend that would have the correct sensor for a classic car? Thanks Shirl
Did you inadvertently use an idiot light sender? Ames sells the stock gauge sensor. It's best to buy parts for classic cars from experts and not Rock Auto. Not worth the hassle to save a few bucks (IMHO)
I have to disagree, it depends on the part. I've always had good luck with RA. Classic car places often sell the same parts at inflated prices. If you have the OEM P/N that would help too.