I noticed today that there is a VIN stamped under the cowl panel, flat horizontal section in front of the passenger side right above the firewall, and it is off by one digit from the registered VIN.
Anyone else notice this on your car? Is this normal or do I have a "rare" car?
I noticed today that there is a VIN stamped under the cowl panel, flat horizontal section in front of the passenger side right above the firewall, and it is off by one digit from the registered VIN.
Anyone else notice this on your car? Is this normal or do I have a "rare" car?
It's hidden VIN, one of two. Other one stamped on cowl under fan.
A while back there was a discussion by an owner who had an engine VIN one digit off from the body. The engine unit number on mine is one digit off the PHS documented number but the VIN matches.
So it's nothing special...just thought it was interesting. Too bad the mice had setup house in the car, the build sheet which usually resides under the seats is LONG gone.
My numbers all lined up, so I would say that is the normal. Remember the old saying "they don't make them like the used to," correct they make them better, It was a very rudimentary process back then.