I want my cowl tag clean and shiny. I am probably going to remove it to replace the cowl anyway. Is there a way to clean the paint off without scratching the crap out of the cowl tag or destroying it? Thanks
You could try using brake fluid. It will probably take a while before the paint bubbles off, and you might need several applications of the brake fluid before all paint is gone.
Brake cleaner I would try first if you just want to take off the red overspray. The real Brakekleen not the green stuff. If you want to remove all the paint I would use less aggressive paint stripper before I would use brake fluid.
Last edited by 1badindn; 09/17/2108:06 PM.
1967 Firebird 400 Convertible Montreux Blue/Light Blue top/Black interior. Maybe one of one color combination, if not, one of very few.