I’m trying to figure out the correct size belt for my 67 with a 69 timing cover and pullies. Looking for the power steering belt. The 3/8 inch wide one sits way too deep in the pulley grooves and is too short. I’ve searched the web and been to the auto parts store with no luck. Is this going to have to be trial and error?
Ah the fun of mixed and matched pulleys. Some things to note, pulleys from 69 Pontiacs came in different sizes depending on model and can not only torture you when it comes to belt sizing but also on engine and power steering temps because of all the different diameters used. If you don't know which 69 pulleys you have find the part numbers and failing that measure them. The 69-bird pwr. steering belt is 15/32 vs. the 67 3/8 so a little wider. Here is all the belt and pulley sizes to help you figure what you need. http://www.teufert.net/partbook/67-76/1-i.pd A rude crude method we used on something without a listing back when I was a young mechanic was to wrap a piece of rope or the like tightly around and measure, it may take a few tries and remember you want to end up with the adjustment no more than halfway when tight.
Thanks Barnbird. I remembered seeing that info somewhere but I couldn't remember where it was. I'm using the repop pullies that Ames sells. They are actually really nicely made. I was pleasantly surprised. And they were cheaper than what I paid Frank's Pontiac parts for pullies in the past.