Hi Folks, I have a 1968 firebird that was restored before I got it, and now I'm cleaning up some of the issues that I have discovered. The most serious is the brakes. When applied they are very "grabby" epically the front. I have the correct booster and master cylinder, new brake hoses all around as well. This car has drums on all four corners, 350, air, automatic. Not sure if I'm missing a component or something else is going on, Any suggestions? This should be simple, but I'm stumped
change to disk brakes on the front. In this day and age with all the people on the road it makes no sense to have drum brakes on all 4 corners. Drum brakes on the front of these cars has always been unreliable and you never knew which way the car was going to go under a hard stop.
X2. It’s not just you that you have to worry about. All the other drivers around you inadvertently assume your car can brake like their car. One close call where I almost went off the road at 60 MPH cemented it for me. You will be amazed how much better just a front brake conversion alone will do.
If brake fluid has leaked out and contaminated the brake linings, the brakes can get very grabby. It is almost as they tend to lock up even when you brake gently.