I had some punk kids shoot out my drivers side door glass on my 1967 Bird, I bought new glass, cleaned the window track of broken glass bits and now its time to install the new glass...
However, I can't seem to get the window into the rubber u channel that goes in metal support bar... I have tried wd-40, WIndex, yet still not enough to get the glass setting right in the rubber channel inside the metal support bar.
Yes it is impossible to get it back inside that original rubber. Ill tell you what i do. Buy a tube of the urethane that they use to install windshields in cars. Its available at most paint and body supply stores and online. Take all that original rubber out and clean the metal and the bottom glass that goes in the metal really good. fill the metal part with the urethane and push the glass into the channel. wipe all the extra thats going to squish out as best you could and just let it sit a day or two before installing back in the car.