Hi all-- my feeble memory is failing me, and this is one of the 10000 pieces I didn't take a picture of I guess.... anybody know what it is, or is for? Looks like a hold down of some kind, with what look like settings in the back of it...
'68 400HO Coupe, 4 spd, 259 interior, Windward Blue. My other car's a Johnson 15 outboard on a '61 Starcraft rowboat... Just sayin'.
There is a long bolt that goes with that "washer", and it goes into the intake manifold (factory) and draws the timing cover and intake water passage together to make a good seal.
The Doc is correct. When you install this along with the bolt, be sure that the intake-to-timing cover rubber washer is in place. A schmear of sealer helps here. And if the intake manifold was removed, tighten that long bolt FIRST before the manifold bolts. It pulls the manifold closer to the timing cover so the washer is compressed and seals nicely. If you tighten the manifold bolts before that timing cover bolt, the washer may leak and drive you crazy. Ask me how I know.
If you have not put your water pump on yet Ames sells the rubber seal that inserts between the intake and timing cover. I have been told that they are a tad thicker than one from a Fel Pro kit. Make sure to put some sealant on both side and tighten the intake to the cover before the engine block.