This is where I want to notify people who is in the calendar and who wants to buy how many calendars. I'll be editing the 1st and/or 2nd posts in this thread to keep y'all informed. So for the latest info, go to the top of this thread.
For general info on the Calendar please go here: /forums/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=26;t=000144
Almost for sure who's in the FGF April 06 - March 07 calendar:
Shipping update:
THESE PRICES ARE NOT FINAL - I need to determine how much the real shipping total is.
As of today, Kodak will charge ME $113.44 to ship 56 calendars via US Postal to me. That equals $2.02 per calendar
So the per calendar cost (barring any changes on Kodak's part) will be:
Scenario for 1 calendar: $10.00 - Calendar $2.00 - Geoff Surcharge $2.00 - Kodak to me shipping $3.00 - Approx cost of me to you shipping $17.00 - Total
Scenario for 2 calendars: $20.00 - Calendars $2.00 - Geoff Surcharge $4.00 - Kodak to me shipping $4.00 - Approx cost of me to you shipping $30.00 - Total
Scenario for 3 calendars: $30.00 - Calendars $3.00 - Geoff Surcharge $6.00 - Kodak to me shipping $5.50 - Approx cost of me to you shipping $44.50 - Total
Scenario for 4 calendars: $40.00 - Calendars $4.00 - Geoff Surcharge $8.00 - Kodak to me shipping $7.00 - Approx cost of me to you shipping $59.00 - Total
Scenario for 5 calendars: $50.00 - Calendars $5.00 - Geoff Surcharge $10.00 - Kodak to me shipping $8.00 - Approx cost of me to you shipping $73.00 - Total
-$9.99 per calendar -$2.00 "Geoff Surcharge" for one calendar -OR- $1.00 per calendar if you buy more than one -Your portion of what Kodak charges me for shipping to my place -Postage and envelope cost from me to you -A PayPal fee for their services. Depnds on how much you send I guess. -I prefer payment by PayPal in USD. That way I can easily turn Geoff's money around to him from my account. I'll post my Paypal account name when that time comes.
Purchase, even for those that are IN the calendar, is voluntary. But once we get to 24 Feb, you are committed one way or the other, cool?
Who and how many:
Yellowbird (Vikki)-----1 - $17 PayPal Hansi ---------------5 - $90 PayPal (almost) - Norway Bill400SmokeShow----5 - $73 check snail mail Bjorn S.--------------1 - $22 PayPal + $10 for Geoff Smitty2k (Me)--------2 - $30 Self-pay Carlito---------------1 - $25.92 PayPal + extra for Geoff Kelly350HO-----------1 - $20 PayPal Ernie P.--------------1 - $20 Cash snail mail Brett L.--------------2 - $28.82 PayPal Jimc2002-------------3 - $50 check snail mail Andy H.--------------4 - $56.99 PayPal
Others: Ashtray (Steve)------1 - $20.00 check snail mail Amervo---------------1 - $17 check snail mail Catalina--------------1 - $20 PayPal BrntBlock-------------1 - $19.95 Money Order snail mail tpls69brd-------------1 - $17 PayPal PonchoMan-----------2 - $30 check snail mail bweber---------------1 - $30 check snail mail - thanks, some for Geoff's calendar trmjr1----------------1 - $17 PayPal Bob S.----------------1 - $17 check snail mail Greg's G.-------------3 - $43.39 PayPal Robert1968-----------2 - PM, payment almost on the way 68 BLKBRD------------1 - $20 PayPal Nashville-------------3 - $45 PayPal 68Bigbird-------------1 - $20 check snail mail 67b1rd---------------1 - $20 PayPal blk68firebird400rt-----1 - $17.96 PayPal Kris Bohme-----------2 - $35 cash snail mail dave1969------------2 - $30.77 Paypal - Cleared 67 Firebird 400-------1 - $17.18 PayPal knuts----------------1 - $17.18 PayPal PMI-Quenton---------2 - $32 PayPal 67firebirdnorway------1 $28.53 PayPal Bjorn K. jers69bird------------1 - Def paid and sent $? Geoff Martin--------1 Donations from Bjorn etc.
People waiting for a second printing RockyP 69 Blue Bird Jimc2002
Total----------------57 Calendars Geoff's Surcharge----$76.00+ USD Total
sounds good!as soon as final cost is known Ill paypal about a 2-3% add for paypal, maybe round up to 5%? its going to cost you to 'collect'...
you can probably 'eastimate', but this is unknown so far: -Your portion of what Kodak charges me for shipping to my place -Postage and envelope cost from me to you -A PayPal fee for their services.
I'll take three, but all kidding aside my friend Scott: Bump my bird off the calendar and put a prettier, more worthy specimen in my place.
I appreciate the thought sincerely, but there are quite a few other folks with better looking birds (and with better pictures!). I'll buy three calendars now and share them with friends and family, but would feel silly that mine was included when many others have done much better at their FGF rebuilds. I'll finish my bird off soon and be in next years calendar, my friend!
Count me in for three calendars, ......and all related miscellaneous charges. :p
'68 428 HO M3 Monster, 4-on-the-floor! Need I say more?
Your car is good enough. Your pics are good enough. Your engine pic is sweeeeeet. Immaculate. (I h8 you.) Your dog pic ads variety and you can still see your great interior.
As other e-mail recipients have been told, I refuse to fill up the calendar with shots of "front bumpers and the left side of the car." Your pics give me that variety. It's not just about the cars.
I even took out my "three MOFO shadow" pic when I didn't want to. That pic symbolizes for me that this "FGF thing" is MORE than just the vehicles. Alas, it had to go because the good pictures were coming in from Bjorn etc, and the MOFO pic didn't have enough punch. Drat.
Only begrudgingly will I take your car out. Please don't ask. (Heheh Sales just went up, now they are dying to know what the controversy is about!)
LOL - I'm so sick of the front bumper shot lately, I think I'll be only able to get in my car from the right side!
There will be other calendars. (Whether I'm editor/judge or not.)
The scary part is, I think if guys are given the time to take new pics, like all summer long, the competition could be way tougher than a guy could handle!
But later ,maybe for next year , we might try a nice pic as we did before here...but in better res. , we had mine , Carls and Stacys cars side by side in front of the Texas and US flags on flagpoles, our cars are red,white and blue ,a really neat shot! I`ll see if I find it and send to Smiotty just for an idea..
Oh yeah! Duh. Drew's car. Yeah, you guys gave me the heads-up a couple weeks ago.
Apparently Drew is in Fiji or something cuz I don't think I've had one e-mail from him.
Great car - we'll get him next time. With some killer pics.
Well, "IF" I do this calendar thing again, ugh, it'll be a little more organized. Like with a one month lead time 'til submission cutoff etc.
It's been a great ice breaker though. I've met some super people. I'm getting pretty pumped about HALF. I'll have to get a "Damm Yankee" waiver though.
LOL, not if Fiji! Just have been extremely busy lately....I don't have any REALLY good high res pics at the moment, but my new digital is in the mail! I'll probably have to catch ya next time. Even if I did have a camera now the bird is hoodless and the heart and tranny are on an engine stand and the floor.
Motor is getting upgraded. Should be an even more potent 469 when it's finished....heads, cam, and carb swap in progress....along with a 700R4 conversion and finishing up the interior with a dash swap and autometer gauges.