This is so frustrating... maybe my starter is wired wrong? Is there a wire from the bulkhead connector that goes directly to the center post of my starter? (meeting the + battery cable)
I got the purple wire from my (inside) bulkhead to the outside position of the starter, another red wire from the + coil to the inside position of the starter. And the big wire from the battery in the center postion all alone.
The altenator (one wire) marries to another wire that continues on to the small red off the battery and also branches to the horn relay. A seperate big red wire from the other bulk head connector (outside position) goes to the horn relay and I thought connected the the altenator, fuseblock and battery?
I missing something, if there is a wire directly on the center position of the starter, what is it? Or what am I missing??
Thanks in advance!!
(breathe in, exhale, breathe in, exhale, relax, think of something peaceful).
I have three wires on my starter. The battery cable, the purple wire on the outside solenoid post and a yellow wire on the inside post. I had power in the car with the battery cable and purple wire hooked up.
I believe there is a (red) that continues from the horn relay (which connects thru to the terminal block)to the lower quadrant of the fuse block to provide power. I believe it is one of the two top terminals on the lower half. (not at home to look, just going off the 68 wiring diagrams I have saved from I don't think the site has much for the 67 but I assume they are the same in that regard.
If you have a voltmeter ground the neg and pull off the lower fuse block connector and check for power there. If you are not getting a reading work back to the relay and so on as shown on the diagram.
Check the continuty on that wire from the bulkhead connector to the horn relay. I believe it includeds a fuseable link.
And you say you have the small wire off the positive battery cable to the terminal behind the battery? Mine once got crushed by the battery and everything went dead.
specifically, I believe this is my problem.. I only have one purple wire coming out of the bulkhead and it seems there should be a red one with it?? do I read that right?? I keep coming back to this circuit and just don't get it??
I can't tell you guys how much this means to me.... 32k and I'm still pushing it.
JohnnyMac, I think you should concentrate on the wire/circuit that goes from the battery to the junction block, to the alt., to the horn relay and to the bulkhead and provides power to the fuse box. I would first check for power at the horn relay. That is the last step before it powers the fuse block.
I agree with FBody (as per my last post)It may also be better to do it with the multimeter set to voltage as I mentioned, that way you can CONFIRM there is power to each pont tested.
Continuity may or may not confirm the actual connection is good, depending on where you touch the probe to.
I've had the multi tester, just broke down and bought the continunity tester...
Guys, I just started the car!!! OMG, what a feeling it is... unfortunately I now have to run out the door to see a customer, but I'll be back. My hoses are leaking, the wires look like spaghetti all over the place, but [censored] it is one great feelings.
I gount 6 poeple in this thraed, does everyone have an Appleebee's? I'd love to send all a gift certificate to have a drink on me!!
Awesome Johnny!!! I know how it feels to knock an electrical issue out. It a real PITA. Just glad to hear you got her fired up I had an issue the other week and it ended up being a bad instrument cluster circuit card. What a PITA to run down. Enjoy brother.