Just thought I'd update since this thread came back up. I bought one if the repair kits from Eastwood. $36. It came with one little sheet of instructions. I kind of wished I had popped for the one with the full color book on how-to. Anyways got started on it. Used a hacksaw blade to open up the cracks and laid some epoxy on. That stuff is not as easy to work with as I had hoped. Turns out it would make the job a whole lot easier if I had taken the time to make up a holder for the wheel that I could rotate while working on it(I may still).If you lay it on one side you can't do the other side until it's dry and you can flip it over. Anways put the epoxy on way to thick and had to take a razor to remove most of what didn't get in the cracks. Still haven't really started the sanding process yet. More to come...(oh BTW. this is off my wife's tbird)