It's an Edelbrock 650 cfm with an electric choke.The manifold is Edelbrock, too.
I have a vacuum gauge at hand, but cannot get the car out of the garage, because we have snow at the moment.
Do you think, it can be a carb issue? Why should it start when jump starting it then?
Oh, I forgot to mention: When hot or warm and trying to start, the engine turns very slowly like having not enough power to turn it. When jumpstarting, it behaves like normal.
Maybe there are 2 problems. Can it be, that heat lowers the electrical power to the starter and the ignition?
IMO, Edelbrock carb & manifold not necessary. Stock work much better. The after market does not have much out there for Pontiac unless you go high end. I HATE electric chokes! If your having trouble starting your car this electric choke will do everything to hinder your success in starting your car! You can get these things to work for you but why bother when stocks works.
Plan to get a rebuild Quadrajet carb and stock manifold and choke.
What are the cranking amps for the battery? You said you have a new engine. How many miles on it? Mostly stock engine or have you changed the cam? New engines can be tight. I had to use the biggest (cranking amps) battery for my rebuild perf 350 HO engine. Hi duration cam made things worse.
Anyone monkey with the wiring? There is a special wire that boasts the power to the coil when starting. I believe it's a resistance wire. You can check for voltage gain when starting engine at the coil.
Vac will tell us if you have any leaks in hoses or valves, rings. You want good steady reading around 20.
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