OK!! That is great information. Thanks Jim for those links. I tried and tried to rotate the cylinders to get it away from that outer bolt but no dice. I used a bent nose long reach needle nose pliers to leverage the bolt away but there is just not enough room. I was afraid I would damage the cylinder which is only soft aluminum. Worse, I could not imagine getting it back together like that. So I just took it all apart and once the male hinge is loose it is EZPZ to get the bolts out AND back together. Extra work for sure but I have the entire car stripped so not so bad. So you are saying the O-rings are under the snap ring? What else? You mentioned washers? How are they arranged? I do have another set of rams but they both have a bend near the ends. Otherwise they look exactly like the Firebird rams. In fact I pirated the lower hose off the set because mine was broken. Maybe I can cannibalize those for practice. Yes, I will try and fix these before I spend money needlessly. This car is going to be a money pit as it is but I prefer to restore rather than replace.