Hi Larry. I am glad you joined in as your old post was most informative. I have the cylinders out, and I managed it by banging on the sheet metal behind the bolts with a long pointed drift and a small sledgehammer. I moved it enough to let the bolts pivot and then I could twist the cylinders out. Still a struggle. The amount of interference was so little I had a brainstorm. If the bolts stick out just a little but it is enough to cause headaches on cylinder removal- why not just shorten the ends of the bolts? So I marked the 3 male hinge bolts and control arm bolt positions and removed them. I let it drop down so that the cylinder outer bolts could be accessed. Once lowered I could get at the ends of the bolts with an angle grinder. In that lowered position the male hinge jams the bolt against the sheet metal and holds it steady. I marked the bolt with a magic marker and ground 1/16" off the ends of both outer bolts. Do one side at at time with the top in the UP position or else it will be unmanageable. Once the male hinge is put back up where it belongs the cylinder bolts can be slid over enough to replace the cylinder with no drama. If you had the male hinge off completely it is super easy to take the loose bolts and grind off the ends. I tried it this way because most people would not want to remove the hinge completely to do this.