Now for the cylinder O-rings. A bit of a PITA to get the snap-ring off, the washers out [a strong tiny magnet helped], and the rest of the stuff. The very leaky side O-ring was broken and came right out. The other was hardened and very difficult to get out. So the assembly working from the eye at the top is: Snap-ring, steel cup that retains a wiper, the soft wiper, a thin steel washer that forms the bottom of the wiper cup, a plastic washer [nylon?], and then the actual O-ring. And the O-ring gets forced over those other parts to get on and off. Now I would have figured the O-ring should be made of VITON to be oil resistant. Or BUNA-N. In the old thread, Dr.Drivability said to use the green HNBR AC O-rings. I have used those for various things but I am not sure they would be better than VITON in this situation. The Harbor Fright assortment I have doesn't include this size anyway. JIMC2002 says he used 5/8X7/16X3/32 and that matches up to my measurements. In O-ring world that is a size -111. That size is pretty common too so ordering some should be easy. I took pictures of all this but I don't have a hosting site to link to. After the Photobucket disaster I never used another.