The P.O. remote mounted the oil filter mount, according to him for clearance issues with the headers. I am planning on putting is back where it belongs. I have read that with the long branch manifolds an adapter was used along with the stock filter mount. I have a oil filter mount off of I believe a 69 GTO, it is tilted back toward the block slightly (30 degrees). I believe there are 2 versions of this oil filter mount, 1 with 90 degrees from the mounting surface, and 1 with approximately 30 degrees of tilt back toward the block.
Does the adapter that is used with the LB manifold tilt the filter towards the rear of the car ? Can I use the slightly tilted oil filter mount instead of the stock one?
If you use the oil filter housing that is used with the LBM's you will also need the adaptor block that goes with it. There is a company called R.A.R.E. that makes this adaptor...
You need to use the stock firebird "non tilted" oil filter bracket with the long branch adaptor. Otherwise, you can't change the filter. I know from experience. Some have found short filters that work but your best bet is to use the original firebird bracket.