it says "ST-300 Powerglide". I thought that they were two different transmissions? I am not that familiar with transmissions and need some help with the ID of mine. Thanks for your help!
Yep, that's it! Thanks for the help. I'm looking for the cooling lines for it but no one lists my specific transmission. It's all very confusing to me.
Do you think your trans is original to this car? Info on that trans seems cryptic everywhere I look...but most consistently I'm seeing the ST300 only in 6 cylinder Firebirds. Do you by chance have PHS documentation for your car? I could be wrong on some of this, but the ST300 does seem to sometimes back V-8s in some Buicks, Olds, and other Pontiac lines like Tempest/Lemans. It was only produced for a few years. A bit of an odd duck trans. And I think MANY people make the same mistake that book did, and mistake their ST300 for a Powerglide, just cuz they both have 2 gears and were produced during the same timeframe...
Others here likely know more than I do on this topic.
I wonder if these would work...same stainless and one regular steel:
They specify ST300 Trans with a V8...GTO and Lemans. But not Firebird. Might work though with some tweaks. Maybe worthy of calling the manufacturer to discuss.
Otherwise, if you take your old lines to an auto part store, they can probably match the fittings and lengths up, and you may be able to make/bend your own to fit. Or re-use your fittings if they can't match them, and just put them on new lines.
Mushroom- do you know if the Powerglide transmission lines will fit our transmission? I can't find anlisitng for our transmission in any of the part suppliers.
Sorry, no I don't. When I got my car the original trani was gone and it had a TH400 (in the front seat.) It shouldn't be too hard to bend up a set from some bulk steel line though.
-=>Lee<=- Due to budget constraints the "light at the end of the tunnel" has been turned off!
I would take some wire coat hangers and use them to make a template to route the trans lines. Get a good tubing bender and flare tool and have it done in a day. My Bird was originally a 350 2 BBL with the ST-300 trans btw. The HO's and 400's got the TH-400's as an option.