OHC 4 barrel Rochester carb Tired rebuilding look buy new eldelborck carb what do you think , has anyone match one up or have any thoughts about it , please info wanted (HELP)
If you are rebuilding it on a frequent basis, then there is something not right in the build or is being missed with the parts you are using.
Personally, (my opinion only) I would contact Cliff at Cliff's high performance Quadrajet's before I would put an Edelbrock on that car. I am betting he can help you out to your satisfaction and guarantee it as well.
Cant wait for summer... 68HO4004spvert Sleddog Iowa
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He needs to give us more info. What's it doing, when is it doing it, what does he consider a rebuild, has it been correctly diagnosed, what else has been done besides the carb?????
Edelbrock actually used to make Q-jets, but stopped a while ago.. -Otherwise -if you want a new carb you could go for a new q-jet from summit or jegs ??
Btw, i have a Edelbrock 800 cfm AVS (for 434 cui) , and it is an easy carb to 'work' on, but th Q-jet's are awesome when dialed in, both in economy and performance..
I would recommend a vacuum-secondary carb, in any case.. (the avs/eps Edelbrocks are mechanical BTW)...