I installed M& H Breakerless ignition "single wire electronic module similar to Pertronix " removed points in the distributor replaced with this module. bird will not run since it has been installed. will not cough or back fire , no ignition fire. With points it cranked up fine ! I am beginning to feel like I am going backward , and almost ready to reinstall the points. I have tested the coil with a multimeter & even took a plug wire & plug to check make sure of spark with the plug electrode which was good on the coil check. It is the factory coil that came with the car, which was still making good spark for the points. I installed them on factory stock 350 v8 2bbl engine. Has anyone used the breakerless se brand module ? Anyone have any advice ? can a auto parts store test the module to check it out to see if it is live or dead? any advice will be appreciated .
You'll get a lot of advice on this one, but from my experience, the electronic ignition requires more voltage. Do you have have all the wiring coming off the starter correct?
I have an MSD ignition, with an MSD Blaster 2 coil, normal wires but I have a jumper from my starter post to my coil to make sure the coil is fully energized at crank.
Can you pull any more info? Make/model of current coil, wiring configuration, and model number of the M&H Breakerless?
From what I've found so far, the coil specs required for that unit (or similiar breakerless.com unit): Primary Resistance: 1.3 ohms (+/- 10%) Primary Inductance: 7.5 mH Secondary Resistance: 6800 ohms (+/- 10%) Secondary Inductance: 26 H Available Voltage: 29Kv (loaded)* / 35Kv (unloaded) Turns Ratio: 60:1 Body Diameter: 2.125†Finish: Black Enamel
You should be able to test these numbers to see if you are there. Clip a your voltmeter onto the positive side, and see how much voltage the coil is getting during crank. I was getting 9ish volts until I ran my energizing line, so I get 12ish now. Car cranks once and fires.
1957 Thunderbird 289 1967 Firebird Base 461 1968 C-20 327
thanks for the reply LIT3 . the current coil is the one that came with it 47 years ago. I am running reproduction date coded wires like the ones that would have come on it. I do not have the model number of the m&h breakerless with me ( I am at work right now) I called the company , and they was telling me about the same thing you are. that I have a voltage drop, and check the voltage from my starter up to the coil.
There's a thread below here I accessed about a week ago, should help you out running the new wire. I think this is the exact same issue you are seeing now. Starter Wiring
You'll probably have to drop the starter to get to it. If you do, when you pull it out, make sure you don't lose the shims. You'll want to make sure you put those back on when you reinstall! Also, if you have never pulled a starter before, they are extremely back heavy. I killed my last one when it slipped out of my greasy hand and smashed the selenoid on the garage floor. Biggest waste of $45 ever.
1957 Thunderbird 289 1967 Firebird Base 461 1968 C-20 327