I don't mean to ruffel any feathers here, but, a true purist would not consider a "tribute car" or a "clone" for their collecton. A purist would only have vehicles that were as described of the trim tag or PHS. To them a tribute car is just another modified hot-rod.
No feathers ruffled here. But...
Anything wrong with modified? The engineer thread above reminded me that engineers look at the question a little differently (insert mandatory engineer joke here). There are many design/manufacturing compromises on the original cars. Budget constraints, performance compromised for average drivers, mass production constraints, regulations, improved technology over time, and the like. We are able to so much more with these cars than could be done at the factory 40+ years ago. My wife's crossover can out handle most stock 60's muscle cars, and out accelerate the late 70's cars. I love the styling of my 1st gen Firebird, but I want its performance to match the looks, and I don't want the bean counters of long ago dictating my car's specs! That said, there is certainly room for the pure concourse restorations in the hobby. But deep down, how many of us really want to see the cars we love trapped in trailers on their way to shows. That still bothers me about my plans for the 74 TA. I suspect that too will be a driver fairly quickly.