What I find really disturbing is how dumb and easily suckered we've become while some great information is available readily on the internet, but people won't use it. .
We have had to go back and teach feet, inches, fractions, metric, etc etc, it takes time away from learning the trade, the state recognized the problem and instead of addressing it they mandated a certain amount of time and content of math for us to cover or we'd be in violation,
Ha, I was just discussing feet, inches, and fractions with my youngest daughter yesterday. I told her that when I was in fourth or fifth grade (think 1973?) we were all taught the metric system because "US Government will require a change away from feet and inches" in the US "within a couple of years". Giggle, remember how well that all worked out?
I remember back then working in the construction industry that for a short time things were described in metric terms. I don't remember just what the numbers were but if you measured the metric piece of wall paneling it was 4' x 8'. On top of that just a few years earlier I bought a '65 Triumph motorcycle and had to learn the wentworth system for hand tools.