Well I already pulled the axle so i can;t do that cone test? Just is well i am a solo act and my wife wouldn't be able to help . So I have my first big (to me) problem. You were right in that the axle with the toast bearing is out to lunch as well. The bearing was wiggling around and caused a huge undercut where the bearing is supposed to be pressed on. Now what do i do? Buy a new axle? Two axles? Have it repaired? Buy that Craigslist rear-end i mentioned for parts? Are all bop 8.2 axles the same spline and length? Also i couldn't figure out how to use my HF press in a way to remove the bearing and spacer so i had to cut it off. Is that usually the case or did i miss something? Then i panicked about the other axle so i pulled it as well. That bearing has a small amount of play but i am assuming the axle is fine. So i really only need one axle