ok guys i am sure you all know this but don't do what i did even if it was your wife's idea which it was.
I had cleaned up some parts and painted with rust converter and after a week they still hadn't cured. First i tried leaving them on the house heating duct vents and that didn't work. Then i tried putting an electric heater on them for a half day and that helped a little but not enough. Then i was trying a hair dryer and my wife walked up and said why don't you just use the oven? I said because they are painted. She said so what as long as your not cooking food at the same time. So stupid me jumped at the chance. I put them in when the oven was cold so i could easily place them on the rack. Then i was preheating to 350 and was going to bake them for like 20 minutes after the oven hit its temperature. Well as soon as it reached 350 I got some bad fumes and immediately shut the oven off and put on the fan. To bad though because it worked like a charm and i have to do a second coat and no i will never use our oven again.