So I have been tidying a few odds and ends like some wiring, Put the diff cover back on and filled with gear oil and posi additive. Replaced all the brake hard lines and finally have a pedal. Filled the motor back up with oil and zinc additive and pulled the coil wire to crank it over to let the oil circulate. Then I put the coil wire back on and sprayed some carb cleaner in the primary's (there is no fuel tank). Turned the ignition key (which did not work before redoing some wiring) and holy crap it fired up until the carb cleaner ran out. Don't want to run it to long anyways in my garage under the house and smoke out and piss off the wife. But i am very excited. Oh yeh I also dumped the rotted headers for stock logs and also now have the first section of down pipes. Last year when I ran the motor it was super smoky and with no floors it sucked just to try to yard drive (not to mention zero brakes). The down-pipe ends right at my seat base so I probably will need another section of pipe to keep the fumes away from my face. Next chance I get I will roll it outside and fill my gas jug and see if it will run and idle etc then I need to check my float levels. Once it runs and moves on its own power It will get parked outside and then I have to drag the other 68 Shell inside and begin actual restoration work. Before anyone asks yes I did all this work on my parts car just so I can move it around my yard. I am so done pushing and dragging this car. Plus now I can get better feel on the health of the motor (or the sickness of it) And test anything else I want to transfer onto the shell project. And I will also be able to run the 350 with straight pipes periodically for motivation. I have an annoying loud neighbor I would get satisfaction by throwing some Pontiac v8 noise back at him.