A few other tips. Make sure and look at the backing plate stops where the shoes ride for wear as it is quite common with high mile old diffs. and will cause problems down the road. Make sure they are flat and if slightly grooved or dished re dress with a file or gently with a grinder. if to deep or actually worn through they will need to be filled/welded and re ground. The other 2 things are for people that are resurrecting old cars and reusing used parts. Make sure and flush the hydraulic system fully with clean fluid before reattaching the line because obviously you don't want any of that sediment and moisture filled fluid being sent through your new parts while bleeding. Make sure you flush the system with new fluid every 5 years or so as brake fluid is hygroscopic and gets moisture laden from all the heating and cooling cycles and this is what rusts and ruins cylinders calipers and master cylinders from the inside. This goes for your newer daily driver vehicles also unless dot 5 fluid, as this will save you a lot of money and down time. If your e-brake cable is good and reusing feed motor oil inside with a needle oiler while hanging and working cable and the cable will last forever.