Good job Frankie. Next time you run into a a drum that hard to pull just cut the hold down pins from behind and it will come right off and saves a lot of beating and prying. Don't spend any money on that rear rebuild until you pull the cover. At that time see how much fluid comes out and check for signs of lack of fluid such as bluing and play. Unlike a Chevy Diff. the rear axle bearings are not lubed by the Diff. lube so it is not a sign of low fluid. Also the Pinion seal leak is common and even when just seeping creates a big mess. When replacing seal make sure to mark the Pinion flange and nut and retighten just a little past afterwards so as not to change the Pinion depth on the ring gear. The 2 letter code was not always stamped very deep and with years of surface rust sometimes disappears. All the manufactures marketed there Traction lock setups for traction in mud snow ect. even though we look at it through high performance eyes. This is why you will find so many Posi, Limited slip traction lock ect. rears in old station wagons. By the way usually when I found a Bearing completely smoked as you describe I would also find that the inner race was spun on the shaft hopefully not the case for yours.