So you are saying its 100 percent my fault? And that Ames was not responsible for selling me the correct axle? All they do all day every day is sell Pontiac parts and I can't depend on them to sell me the right part? Is this what you are saying? My entire reason behind buying from Ames was in the belief their experience would get me the right parts where my lack of Pontiac experience was at risk for situations like this. The boneheads at advance auto down the street have a better track record for getting me the right parts.
Barnbird I literately have some brain damage from the accident that disabled me. I am constantly struggling to do things correctly that i have never done before but with my damage I have like a tunnel vision and have to totally focus on one task at a time. Unfortunately this results in more injuries and screw ups. I joined this forum for advice and support so that I can in fact restore this car. I know I need this help now and it is hard to ask for because I like doing everything myself. I guess I should seriously consider selling all my Pontiac stuff and go back to my familiar Chevy's