So today i put some gas in my little jug to feed the carb. Goal was to set the float levels. I Got the car to run but was having a hard time tweaking the external float level adjustment. I think there is something wrong there but its probably me.The secondary lock screw won't stop leaking and..........I discovered why my motor was full of fuel. With the motor off I could hear something running. Turns out fuel was gushing into the carb even with the fuel line disconnected! Tried for a while to set the primary float but the carb has more issues then i can count. It leaks externally, and pours internally. I was considering trying to rebuild it. (no i never did a Holley 4 barrel). I am leaning towards trying my first quadrajet.
Also a very strange thing happened. I had the motor running and turned the key off, nothing happened it kept running. Then disconnect neg batt cable and it still ran. Then disconnected the pos cable as well and it still ran! How is this possible? Doesn't the ignition need 12 volts? I finally had to choke out the carb to make it shut off. It was not dieseling either it was running not terrible. At this point I fumed out the basement but no co2 alarms. Done until I can resolve this carb and or replace it, Is it me or does the quadrajet look much simpler then a Holley to rebuild?
On the bright side even though i have straight pipes the log manifolds have quieted things down enough i can hear the motor better and so far no knocks or bad noises but keeping my fingers crossed.